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in Malay

Early Application of the Environment from the Aspects of Knowledge and Attitude Towards the Formation of Student Safe Behavior

EasyChair Preprint 7876, version 2

Versions: 12history
12 pagesDate: May 10, 2022


This concept paper discusses the involvement of school environment factors in addressing safety issues with the concept of the formation of safe behaviors in the early stages of students. Based on the study of the tendency of adults to commit behavioral offenses, this study will examine the extent of environmental support of students from the cultural aspects of the school environment in the provision of safety behavior adjustment. The absorption of elements of knowledge and attitudes towards behavior change beginning in the early stages of students is expected to be part of the individual experience and maintained throughout their lives. Based on inductive reasoning with a theoretical consideration of the relationship of intervention-constructs to key aspects, the early formation of these safety behaviors is expected to directly have a reciprocal effect on breaking the chain of error tendencies of individual social environment behaviors. The level of mastery of knowledge and attitudes of students generalized to behavior is used as an indicator of the extent to which these aspects are applied during their time in primary school. For that purpose, a total of 291 form two students from eight secondary schools in the Federal Territory of Labuan were selected at random to be sampled in this study.

Keyphrases: Pengetahuan, Persekitaran, pembentukan tingkah laku selamat, sikap

BibTeX entry
BibTeX does not have the right entry for preprints. This is a hack for producing the correct reference:
  author    = {Rajap Matusin and Mohd Khairuddin Abdullah},
  title     = {Early Application of the Environment from the Aspects of Knowledge and Attitude Towards the Formation of Student Safe Behavior},
  howpublished = {EasyChair Preprint 7876},
  year      = {EasyChair, 2022}}
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