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Effect of Torefaction Temperature and Adhesive Amount on the Characteristics of Waste Briquettes Coffee Grounds as an Alternative Renewable Fuel

EasyChair Preprint no. 9562

9 pagesDate: January 11, 2023


Waste coffee grounds is one of the biomass that has the potential to be used as a renewable alternative energy through the process of making briquette. This study was conducted to determine the process of making briquettes coffee grounds and assess the effect of torefaction temperature and the amount of adhesive to the characteristics of the product briquettes coffee grounds. The sample used in this study is waste coffee grounds obtained from coffee-based beverage cafe. This study was conducted using an independent variable in the form of variations in temperature torefaction 200℃, 250℃, and 300℃, and variations in the amount of adhesive that is tapioca flour with a concentration of 10% and 25%. This study includes 3 stages namely pretreatment stage, operation stage, and analysis stage. At the pretreatment stage, drying and sieving are carried out on coffee grounds waste as raw material for briquettes. At the stage of operations carried out, mixing raw materials with adhesives, briquetting, and torefaction process briquettes of coffee grounds. The resulting briquettes are then followed by a characteristic analysis stage. From the research that has been done obtained the results that the variation of torefaction temperature affects the characteristics of coffee grounds briquettes include proximate analysis, ultimate analysis, calorific value, compressive strength value and briquette burn test while the amount of adhesive has no significant effect on the characteristics that have been done. Based on krevelen diagram shows that briquettes have almost the same characteristics as bituminous coal and anthracite, thus showing that briquettes can be used as a substitute for coal to reduce CO2 emissions in steam power plants (PLTU), namely through the fulfillment of energy needs on a household scale.

Keyphrases: Briquettes, coffee grounds, proximate, Torefaction, Ultimate

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BibTeX does not have the right entry for preprints. This is a hack for producing the correct reference:
  author = {Novita Aida Dahlia and Nurhidayatul Fadila and Budiyono and Slamet Handoko},
  title = {Effect of Torefaction Temperature and Adhesive Amount on the Characteristics of Waste Briquettes Coffee Grounds as an Alternative Renewable Fuel},
  howpublished = {EasyChair Preprint no. 9562},

  year = {EasyChair, 2023}}
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