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Review On Techniques for Hydrogen Generation

EasyChair Preprint no. 12887

5 pagesDate: April 4, 2024


In terms of energy storage medium, energy vector, and fuel for industry, transportation, and other uses, green hydrogen is thought to be the best option for the next energy market. The development of green hydrogen technologies has received more attention over the past 20 years, but even now, a variety of arguments are made to support the hold-up in their widespread use and the depletion of their market. Furthermore, some fresh inquiries are prepared to be made in order to rationalize the postponement of the implementation of green hydrogen technologies. In order to determine the true status of the play, a critical review of recent literature and institutional reports is conducted in this essay. Specifically, the distinct benefits and drawbacks of various green hydrogen technologies (water electrolysis, biomass pyrolysis, gasification, etc.) have been examined and contrasted, with an emphasis on the electrolysis process as the most promising technique for the widespread and large-scale production of hydrogen. Numerous analyses and discussions have focused on the geopolitical and economic factors related to the shift towards a green hydrogen economy, including the potential escalation of the water problem. The aim is to find strategies and resolve issues to expedite this transition.

Keyphrases: Green Hydrogen, Keywords—Hydrogen production, Production technologies, Renewable Energy Sources (RES)

BibTeX entry
BibTeX does not have the right entry for preprints. This is a hack for producing the correct reference:
  author = {Yagnesh Solanki and Shivendu Saxena and Vishal Sandhwar and Diksha Saxena},
  title = {Review On Techniques for Hydrogen Generation},
  howpublished = {EasyChair Preprint no. 12887},

  year = {EasyChair, 2024}}
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