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Impact of Economic Growth, Urbanization and Electricity Consumption On Environmental Degradation: Evidence from ASEAN-5

EasyChair Preprint no. 10769

16 pagesDate: August 24, 2023


The study purposes to determine the impact of economic growth, urbanization, and electricity consumption on CO2 emissions. The data used is annual panel data for 30 years (1992-2021) in 5 selected ASEAN countries (Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, and the Philippines) corrected using the Panel Auto-Regressive Distribution Lags (ARDL) approach. The findings prove that in the long run economic growth and electricity consumption have a significant positive impact on CO2 emissions. Meanwhile, the urbanization variable has a negative impact on CO2 emissions. In the short term, economic growth has a negative impact on CO2 emissions. Then urbanization and electricity consumption have a positive impact on CO2 emissions. Therefore, this study states that ASEAN-5 governments as policy makers should prepare environmental policies that can reduce CO2 emissions without sacrificing economic growth.

Keyphrases: CO2 emissions, economic growth, Electric energy consumption, Environment degradation, Urbanization

BibTeX entry
BibTeX does not have the right entry for preprints. This is a hack for producing the correct reference:
  author = {Cahaya Putri Buana and Wahyu Hidayat Riyanto},
  title = {Impact of Economic Growth, Urbanization and Electricity Consumption On Environmental Degradation: Evidence from ASEAN-5},
  howpublished = {EasyChair Preprint no. 10769},

  year = {EasyChair, 2023}}
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