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Best Uses of PLA Plastic Type and Agricultural Environmental Alternatives

EasyChair Preprint no. 2705, version 1

Versions: 12history
19 pagesDate: February 19, 2020


In Ecuador, PLA fiber for 3D printers is not produced on a large scale or in an industrial way since its production is somewhat expensive and great research is needed to generate it with organic sources or wastes in addition to certain reagents in the mixthat help to generate the polymer completely. The plastic type PLA or polylactic acid is one of the most used materials as raw material for 3D printing, characterized for being made from renewable raw materials such as corn starch and sugar cane cellulose, which means that it is practically a biodegradable material. In the present investigation, a PLA type material with organic waste is created, the most important being corn starch, cane cellulose, lactic acid among other reagents, all in order to contribute to the reduction of plastic waste on the planet that this material has a degradation time of up to 1 year, as an additional value of the product, once it reaches its useful life, it can be discarded incorporated into the soil through composting so that it can be broken down into macronutrients that will enrich this natural resource helping in this way to fertilize the soil prior to established crops.

Keyphrases: biodegradable, Composting, Ecuador, fiber, PLA

BibTeX entry
BibTeX does not have the right entry for preprints. This is a hack for producing the correct reference:
  author = {Gabriel Estephan Meneses Morales and Silvia Marisol Aguilar Calle},
  title = {Best Uses of PLA Plastic Type and Agricultural Environmental Alternatives},
  howpublished = {EasyChair Preprint no. 2705},

  year = {EasyChair, 2020}}
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