Evaluation of Modular Tibial Tray Stability and Fatigue Performance in Total Knee Arthroplasty
EasyChair Preprint 13966
5 pages•Date: July 13, 2024Abstract
This study rigorously evaluates the stability and fatigue performance of modular tibial trays
utilized in total knee arthroplasty (TKA), aiming to enhance understanding and optimize clinical
outcomes. As pivotal components in knee implant systems, tibial trays must withstand significant
mechanical stresses and ensure long-term functionality. The background underscores the
importance of optimizing tray design to improve patient mobility and implant longevity.
Methodologically, comprehensive experimental setups and analytical techniques are employed to
assess stability under diverse physiological conditions and quantify fatigue resistance through
extensive testing protocols. Results illuminate critical insights into the mechanical stability and
durability of modular tibial trays, substantiated by robust statistical analyses and compelling visual
data representations. The conclusion synthesizes key findings, highlighting implications for
advancing modular tray designs to elevate surgical precision, enhance patient outcomes, and
prolong implant lifespan in TKA procedures.
Keyphrases: Fatigue Analysis, Modular Prostheses, Prosthesis Durability, Surface wear, Total knee arthroplasty (TKA), cyclic loading