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LID Prototype of Runoff Management Model in Sub-Catchment Area for Urban Water Sustainability: Case Study of Tegal City

EasyChair Preprint no. 6428

9 pagesDate: August 27, 2021


In the city of Tegal, the tributaries are in critical condition as indicated by several indicators, including an average flow velocity of 0.002 mm/second, an average depth of 1.2 cm, heavy pollution, 2 - 3 average width, and there is no vegetation at all. It is necessary to develop a hydrological model for controlling runoff using a low-impact development module. It is necessary to develop a hydrological model for controlling runoff using a low-impact development module to cope with flooding and to increase the rate of water infiltration through permeable structures. Hydrological data at six observation points in the Gung sub-watershed and other supporting data such as rainfall intensity were used to design a prototype model based on LID parameters. The prototype of the designed model was validated using the PEST technique on the components and elements of the model. The research resulted in a prototype runoff water control management (RMM) model which includes: 1 permeable structure, 1 river vegetation area, 1 infiltration trench.

Keyphrases: prototype, Runoff Management Model, Sub-catchment Area, Urban Water Sustainability

BibTeX entry
BibTeX does not have the right entry for preprints. This is a hack for producing the correct reference:
  author = {S Suripin and Lilin Budiati},
  title = {LID Prototype of Runoff Management Model in Sub-Catchment Area for Urban Water Sustainability: Case Study of Tegal City},
  howpublished = {EasyChair Preprint no. 6428},

  year = {EasyChair, 2021}}
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