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Design and Analysis of Compact Microstrip Patch Antenna for LTE Applications Using Metamaterials with Artificial Intelligence in Special Use.

EasyChair Preprint no. 8507

12 pagesDate: July 20, 2022


The preliminary antenna styles were investigated by modelling microwave patch antenna and loading metamaterial complementary split ring structures. the only and dual-band resonant of the antenna make sure the advantage of the metamaterial-based antenna for multi-band operation and compact. afterward, defective grounding technique was analysed and sculpturesque within the antenna style for getting a slender and selective band. Further, the planning of a miniaturized dual-band planar antenna for LTE application and also the generation of slender triple bands victimization the stacking thought of stuff resonator and metamaterial unit-cell were developed. within the basic antenna style, split ring resonator was loaded within the diverging plane of the patch and frequency of resonance was any changed with the assistance of E-shapedil stub. The antenna has been fictional victimization FR-4 substrate and also the measured twin bands at a pair of.11 GHz, and 2.665 gigacycle square measure found in a very shut match with the simulated information.

Keyphrases: Air layer, circularly polarized, Electromagnetic bandgap, gain enhancement, Microstrip antenna, Microstrip patch antenna Periodic structure, Mutil layer, Single feed

BibTeX entry
BibTeX does not have the right entry for preprints. This is a hack for producing the correct reference:
  author = {Shubham Singh and Jaswant Kumar},
  title = {Design and Analysis of Compact Microstrip Patch Antenna for LTE Applications Using Metamaterials with Artificial Intelligence in Special Use.},
  howpublished = {EasyChair Preprint no. 8507},

  year = {EasyChair, 2022}}
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