SWAM 2024: Southwest Academy of Management (SWAM) 2024 Moody Gardens Galveston, TX, United States, April 10-13, 2024 |
Conference website | https://swaom.org/ |
Submission link | https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=swam2024 |
Submission Information
Submission Portal: https://easychair.org/my/conference?conf=swam24
Submission Window: August 1 to November 01, 2023
Submission deadline of 11:59pm on November 1, 2023
Full Paper Tracks Full papers include empirical research papers, conceptual and theoretical papers, editorials and viewpoints, practice and white papers, case studies, and review papers. At least one author must register for and attend the conference to present the paper in a session, or the paper will be removed from the program. While it is understood that the vast majority of conference submissions are “working papers,” manuscripts that appear incomplete will be moved from the full paper track to the developmental paper track (see below). Accepted full papers will be given the opportunity to:
- Compete for best paper
- Submit a six-page abridged format for inclusion in the 2024 conference proceedings
- Select full papers may be invited to submit to a special issue of Organization Management Journal, sponsored by SWAM in conjunction with Eastern Academy of Management
Developmental Paper
Track Many scholars attend SWAM each year to showcase their research early in its development. They do so to find suitable collaborators and coauthors, get valuable feedback from their peers, and gain insights into their research questions. Developmental papers can be any style or track suitable for SWAM, as described above, and may include papers from abstract-only to nearly complete. Frequently, authors submit the “front end” of their paper, prior to completing data collection, in order to get feedback on appropriate methods and sources of data.
- Developmental papers require at least one person listed in the submission to register for the conference and attend the session.
- Developmental papers are included in the conference program, but are not double-blind reviewed and are not eligible for paper awards or inclusion in the proceedings.
- Please identify if you are submitting an FBD Poster Session on the title page of your submission.
Panels, Symposia, and Workshops
Each year, the SWAM Board actively seeks out high-impact panels, symposia, and workshops for attendees, including the doctoral consortium, deans panel, journal editors panel, and others. To enhance the value SWAM is able to deliver to members, panels, symposia, and workshops are selected from submissions by the Program Chair in coordination with Officers of the SWAM Board.
Panels, symposia, and workshops require all persons listed in the submission to register for the conference and attend the session. If all presenters are not registered by March 01, 2024, the session will be dropped. Panels, symposia, and workshops are included in the conference program, but are not double-blind reviewed and are not eligible for paper awards or inclusion in the proceedings. For clarification on whether your topic would work best as a panel, symposium, or workshop, you can discuss your submission directly with the Program Chair (ralloyd@fhsu.edu) prior to submission to EasyChair.
September 08 - Submission Portal Opens
November 01 - Deadline for Submissions
November 01 - Nominations for Outstanding Educator Due
November 21 - Decision Letters Sent to Authors
December 01 - Hotel Registration Opens
December 01 - Conference Registration Opens
December 15 - Presentation Date/Time Information Available
January 15 - Program Published to SWAM Website
February 01 - Abridged Papers Due to Proceedings Editor
February 13 - Hotel Block Reservations End
March 1 - Early Registration Ends
April 10 - Welcome to Galveston