RTAutoSec 2024: First Workshop on Real-Time Autonomous Systems Security |
Website | https://www.ecrts.org/rtautosec-2024/ |
Submission link | https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=rtautosec2024 |
Submission deadline | May 16, 2024 |
The First Workshop on Real-Time Autonomous Systems Security (RTAutoSec 2024)
09 July 2024, Lille, France
RTAutoSec aims to bring together experts from academia and industry to discuss and tackle the security, resiliency, and privacy challenges of connected real-time autonomous systems.
Submission Guidelines
All papers must be original and not simultaneously submitted to another journal or conference. The following paper categories are welcome:
- Full/Regular papers of 6 pages in length.
- Short position papers or work-in-progress (WIP) papers of up to 4 pages in length.
All submissions will be formatted in the double-column IEEE style.
List of Topics
We welcome papers describing applications, methodologies, and case studies contributing to the state-of-the-art design of secure, time-sensitive autonomous systems. We require papers to consider some timing requirements related to the security of autonomous systems. The timing requirements of interest are broadly defined and may include soft real-time, QoS, and probabilistic guarantees.
Specific areas of interest include (but not limited to):
- Mathematical foundations for secure autonomous systems
- Control/game-theoretic approaches- High-assurance security architectures
- Security, privacy, and resilience metrics
- Economics of autonomous systems security and privacy
- Hardware-assisted security
- Autonomous systems testbed for security analysis
- Security/privacy solutions for learning-enabled/AI-driven autonomous systems
- Trusted computing (TEEs) for autonomous systems
- Software-defined designs for improving security/resiliency
- Side-channel analysis
- Ethics and usability aspects related to time-criticality
Organizing Committee
- Monowar Hasan, Washington State University
- Mohammad Hamad, Technical University of Munich
Program Committee
The workshop will publish and archive the proceedings. However, authors retain the right to publish their work elsewhere and may opt not to include their paper in the workshop proceedings. In such cases, authors may (optionally) provide an extended abstract.
The workshop will be colocated with ECRTS 2024. ECRTS 2024 will be held in Lille, France. The conference will be hosted on the Lille University campus at Polytech Lille, which can be accessed in 20 minutes by subway from the city center.
All submission questions should be emailed to Monowar Hasan (monowar.hasan@wsu.edu) and/or Mohammad Hamad (mohammad.hamad@tum.de).