MCU2024: 10th conference on Machines, Computations and Universality Campus Valrose, Université Côte d'Azur Nice, France, June 5-7, 2024 |
Conference website | |
Submission link | |
Submission deadline | April 17, 2024 |
Notification deadline | May 14, 2024 |
Camera ready deadline | May 20, 2024 |
10th Conference on Machines, Computations and Universality
MCU 2024, June 5 - June 7, 2024, Nice, France
NEWS: Co-located workshop - CMC 2024, June 3-5
The International conference MCU series traces its roots back to the mid 90's, and has always been concerned with gaining a deeper understanding of computation and universality through the study of models of general purpose computation. The MCU conference series was initiated in Paris (1995). Following editions were held in Metz (1998), Chisinau (2001), St. Petersburg (2004), Orleans (2007), Zurich (2013), Famagusta (2015), and Fontainebleau, (2018). The 2020 edition was supposed to be held in Wien, Austria but was cancelled due to the COVID pandemic.
The 9th edition of MCU took place at the University of Debrecen in Hungary, it was co-located with DCFS 2022 (24th International Conference on the Descriptional Complexity of Formal Systems, August 29-31) and NCMA 2022 (12th International Workshop on Non-Classical Models of Automata and Applications, August 26-27).
The 10th edition will take place at the Université Côte d’Azur in Nice, Franceon an hybrid form (both in person and online). The conference is co-locatedwith CMC 2024 (Conference on Membrane Computing) which will tookfrom June 3rd to June 5th, 2024.
- Submission deadline: March 22, 2024,
- Notification of acceptance: April 22, 2024,
- Camera ready due: May 6, 2024.
The scope of the conference topics includes, but is not limited to, computation in the setting of various discrete models (Turing machines, register machines, cellular automata, tile assembly systems, rewriting systems, molecular computing models, neural models...) and analog and hybrid models (BSS machines, infinite time cellular automata, real machines, quantum computing...) and the meaning and implantation of universality in these contexts. Particular emphasis is given towards search for frontiers between decidability and undecidability in the various models, search for the simplest universal models, computational complexity of predicting the evolution of computations in the various models. Parallel computing models and their connections to decidability, complexity and universality.
MCU 2024 conference topics include, but not exclusively:
- Analog computation
- Automata theory
- Cellular automata
- Classical computability and degree structures
- Computability theoretic aspects of programs
- Computable analysis and real computation
- Computable structures and models
- Continuous computing
- Decidability of theories
- DNA computing, self-assembly and tiling
- Dynamical systems and computational models
- Emerging and non-standard models of computation
- Finite model theory
- Generalized recursion theory
- Higher type computability
- Hyper-computational models
- Infinite time Turing machines
- Membrane computing
- Molecular computation
- Morphogenesis and developmental biology
- Multi-agent systems
- Natural computation and Hybrid systems
- Neural nets and connectionist models
- Physics and computability
- Proof theory and computability
- Randomness and Kolmogorov complexity
- Relativistic computation
- Swarm intelligence and self-organisation
- Theory of Petri nets
- Turing, Counter, Register, Signal machines
- Universality of systems
Authors of accepted papers are expected to present their results at the conference. Submitted papers must describe work not previously published, and they must neither be accepted nor under review at a journal or at another conference with refereed proceedings. Authors are required to submit their manuscripts electronically in PDF using the LNCS style. Authors using LaTeX can download the needed macros at Springer-Verlag site. Papers should not exceed 15 pages; full proofs may appear in a clearly marked technical appendix which will be read at the reviewers' discretion.
The submission process is managed by EasyChair ( proceedings will be available after the conference as post-proceedings inthe LNCS series by Springer Verlag (application pending).
A selection of papers will be invited to submit extended versions for publication in a special issue of an international journal (contacts in progress).
Jérôme Durand-Lose - jerome.durand-lose (at) univ-orleans (dot) fr
Enrico Formenti - enrico.formenti (at) univ-cotedazur (dot) fr